How can using Google My Business help you?
Everyones using Google these days to find your restaurant online…
“OK Google, find restaurants near me” is one of the most popular searches on Google, so what are you doing about it?
How are you going to ensure that your restaurant gets found more often than your competition does?
Easy, you’re going to keep an active Google My Business profile.
Google My Business is an awesome tool that allows you to list your hours of operation, your phone number, your physical address, your website, and MORE!
All this information is what Google will show to anyone searching for “restaurants near me”, but ONLY if you have it setup properly.
This video shows you exactly how to update your Holiday Hours for those special occasions when you’ll be closed for the holidays OR have shortened or extended hours for the holidays.
What can Google My Business do for my business??
Using Google My Business will drastically improve how often your restaurant gets found on Google… BUT ONLY IF YOU KEEP IT UP TO DATE!!
Better, more up to date information about your restaurant WILL increase the amount of guests you have in your restaurant.
More guests means more money, means more staff needs, means your business is growing!
That’s what we’re all in this business game for, right? Of course it is.
Utilizing this free tool can help you connect with more people, more often, and help them. In the hospitality industry, service is the number one priority.
Serving your customers is always top of mind. When someone searches for “restaurants near me” and finds that none of their favorite local restaurants show up, what are they going to think?
They’ll think you’ve moved, closed for the day, or worse, closed forever.
That’s the last thing you want to have happen!
So get on the offensive and take action today!